Gucci - The History of Gucci

Gucci The History

Gucci Guccio Gucci

Gucci family tree: Who are the members of the fashion empire?

Gucci The History

Gucci Gucci family

Gucci Gucci

The History of Gucci

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Gucci Gucci family

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Gucci Gucci family

He was in charge of a factory in Florence but then decided to move on from the family business.

  • Guccio was married to Aida Calvelli in 1901, with whom he had a total of six children, five sons one of which was named Enzo, who died at the age of 9 in 1913 and a daughter.

  • He was the son of Tuscan parents, Gabriello Gucci, a leather craftsman from , and Elena Santini, from.