Xxxx chromosome - About 47,XXX (Trisomy X)

Chromosome xxxx XXXY syndrome

48, XXXX

Chromosome xxxx Triple X

Chromosome xxxx Kelainan Xxxx

Chromosome xxxx Number of

Males with Polysomy Y and Females with Polysomy X

Chromosome xxxx Tetrasomy X

Chromosome xxxx What Is

Males with Polysomy Y and Females with Polysomy X

Chromosome xxxx What Is

Chromosome xxxx What Is

Chromosome xxxx XXXXY Karyotype

What is XXYY Syndrome?

Chromosome xxxx 48,XXXX

A case of 49,XXXXX in which the extra X chromosomes were maternal in origin

Thus, the correct answer is option C i.

  • When it does run in families, it can have different inheritance patterns.

  • Instead, they were separated into seven groups A to G , based on their length and centromere position.

Other physical changes associated with Klinefelter syndrome are usually subtle.

  • Girls with trisomy X are also at increased risk for speech—language and motor delays, as well as learning disabilities, attention, and executive function problems.

  • In others, symptoms may be more apparent — possibly including developmental delays and learning disabilities.

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