Weather in jordan - Jordan weather averages for planning holidays

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Climate and average weather in Jordan

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In jordan weather Jordan Weather


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In jordan weather Jordan Weather

In jordan weather Best time

Discover the climate and geography of Jordan

In jordan weather Amman, Jordan

Best time to visit Jordan

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In jordan weather Jordan weather

Weather in Jordan, live, forecasts and averages

The winter period, which runs from December to early March, is mild and less dry than summer.

  • On a clear night a radiant streak of meteors decorate the sky from mid-July to the end of August.

  • The days are warm, with temperatures between 61°F and 99°F, but the nights are cool.

Jordan's northeastern flank is flat desert sprinkled with oases, while the spectacular southeastern desert is characterised by wind-eroded forms and brightly coloured sandstone cliffs.

  • Average monthly hours of sunshine over the year On certain pages we also offer other historical weather data like humidity, wind speed and water temperature.

  • This is one of the most popular times to visit in Jordan.