علمو اولادكم ان فلسطين - فيسبوك

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علموا اولادكم ان فلسطين عربية والقدس لنا : dogecoin

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العبدلي نيوز

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Users displaying poisonous behaviour and who are here just to pick a fight and spread negativity will be banned.

  • A place to discuss dogecoin, come up with new ideas with the community.

  • 1,931• 8,538• As such, we favour posts that are in-depth, insightful, analytical, and encourage discussion, over posts that have little substance and little educational value.

The internet is already saturated with hate and toxicity; there is no need to make this yet another corner of misery.

  • .

  • Swearing is automagiclly removed.

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