Kfupm resources - About E

Resources kfupm PRI

About E

Resources kfupm About E

Resources kfupm Water Resources

Resources kfupm KFUPM Scheduler

Resources kfupm Chemical Engineering

Resources kfupm KFUPM Virtual

Deanship of Graduate Studies

Resources kfupm Water Resources

Resources kfupm King Fahd

Resources kfupm Resource Center

Resources kfupm KFUPM Open

Over 4 billion timetable combinations were generated, 10 million timetables were downloaded and every semester over 8,000 students have used it at least once.

  • In 2019 the university put in place a transformation plan whose primary goal is to support the transformation of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia from a natural resource monetizing economy primarily focused on oil and gas resources, into a diversified knowledge economy, to position the Kingdom as an active participant of the new global digital economy.

  • This prepares the students with a common language heavily based on Artificial Intelligence satisfying the needs of highly skilled work requirements in this discipline.

Through these databases, users can access the full text of more than 90,000 e-journals and more than 500,000 e-books.

  • Since that time, the university enrollment has grown to over 10,000 students by the 2021 academic year and has graduated more than 39,000 students since its inception.

  • Water Optimization Systems One of the more difficult water challenges the oil and gas industry encounters is that produced and recovery of water must often be treated prior to disposal, reinjection or reuse.

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