Fi Three Days to See What would you want if you only have three days to see the whole world? ولأهمية هذه النعمة، فإن الكنيسة المقدسة تطلبها لنا في كل اجتماع قائلة "نعمة ، ومحبة الله و، تكون مع جميعكم آمين" 2كو14:13.
It's wonderful to learn that how a deaf and blind person lives their life, sees the world, and appreciates things that we usually don't.
With her indomitable spirit she learn how to speak, how to write although there are something happen but she never give up.
ابدع الكاتب فى المزج بين الحديث والتاريخ والماضى واثار لنا مواضيع مستقبليه رائعه.