Covid-19 dashboard saudi arabia - Frontiers

Saudi covid-19 arabia dashboard Frontiers


Saudi covid-19 arabia dashboard Saudi Arabia

Saudi covid-19 arabia dashboard Saudi Arabia

Saudi covid-19 arabia dashboard Saudi Arabia

Effect of easing lockdown and restriction measures on COVID

Saudi covid-19 arabia dashboard Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia records zero COVID

Saudi covid-19 arabia dashboard Frontiers


Saudi covid-19 arabia dashboard Saudi Arabia:

Saudi covid-19 arabia dashboard Saudi Arabia

Saudi covid-19 arabia dashboard Covid

Saudi covid-19 arabia dashboard Saudi Arabia:

Because the number of tests is often volatile from day to day, we show the figures as a seven-day rolling average.

  • Why adjust for the size of the population? Havrlant D, Darandary A, Muhsen A.

  • Because of this it can be insightful to know how the number of confirmed deaths in a country compares to the number of people who live there, especially when comparing across countries.

In addition, those with history of Hypertension and Diabetes have higher probability to non-survival as compared with those who are not having history of Hypertension and Diabetes.

  • The questionnaire was offered in Arabic and English for the convenience of the participants, and, when needed, the researchers were available for assistance in completing the questionnaire.

  • Religious places, schools and colleges along with tourists hotels have been asked to temporarily close.